
Don’t just take my word for it. Hear what people have to say…

Jenny Fairweather
Jenny Fairweather
7 May 2024
Karen Statner's brilliant new book, Somatic Movement, is a very good introduction to the practice, and gives a deeper dive if one already knows a bit. I found the personal history part added to my enjoyment of the book, where one learns about the origins of Somatic Movement, some science as to why it works and some practical instructions for movements. I highly recommend the book which is well written and inspiring.
Marion Cavan
Marion Cavan
6 December 2023
I hadn’t heard of somatic movement until a few weeks back but the impact this approach has had on my S.I joint pain and shoulder tension has been amazing, in such a short space of time. I am so much more aware of my body posture and where I need to release tension that has been present for years! And every single class I experience a shift in tension, pain or a release in terms of movement. Karen is very kind and really cares about each person in the class, I feel understood and held in mind. She is so passionate about somatic movement it is impossible not to catch her enthusiasm. Thank you!
Luc And Jessie
Luc And Jessie
5 October 2023
After living with hip dysplasia since birth which lead to a hip replacement, my muscles were not being used properly and my holding patterns had meant my muscle memory was not as it should be. Karen, through Somatic movement has helped me not only understand how my body works but helped my body with functional movement through the Somatic practice. My movement and discomfort is so much better. Also, Karen’s communication is excellent and she makes the description of the different moves very easy to follow and explains in detail why you are moving in the way you are. What a release!
Emilie L
Emilie L
17 September 2023
Highly recommend Karen at Somatic Habit. As a teacher, Karen is understanding and gently humorous - she takes it seriously but keeps it light! I love the variety, structure and pace of her classes, and the membership is fantastic - access to so many classes, on so many themes! (Also, easy to access, which is a big plus for me.) If you want to move more freely, reduce chronic pain, or just feel more relaxed, I'd definitely recommend Karen!
Amelia Haire
Amelia Haire
19 April 2023
I’m hypermobile and have a tendency to dislocate very easily, which is not made better by my job. My back has been in spasm for around 6 months now, and just one session with Karen released my back for the first time! Since going to more sessions I’ve started moving more mindfully and have experienced a lot less pain, and even feel clearer/ less groggy in day to day life.
Louise Fellows
Louise Fellows
5 October 2022
I love attending Karen's classes - as an active person and a busy mum, it is so valuable to take some time to slow down. I've learned about my body in ways that I never would have noticed otherwise, and I always feel replenished after class. Karen is full of wisdom and enthusiasm, gently and kindly delivered.
28 August 2022
I work as a Roofer and have been taking Somatics classes with Karen, once a week, for over a year. I had constant recurring lower back pain from my work and I rarely experience it now - thanks in large part to my Somatics practice. I recently had my first private session with Karen and she was able to guide me into releasing my own personal holding patterns. In the session I felt the parts of my body that were tense and working on their own - not integrating with the rest of my body’s movement. I’ve noticed that my day to day level of relaxation has increased significantly since last week’s private session. I just seem to be functioning more efficiently and with less tension. Karen’s professionalism and expertise in Somatics has guided me to live with a much happier, relaxed and pain free body. I would highly recommend Karen’s Somatic Habit!
13 May 2022
I went to Karen recently suffering from back pain made worse by some heavy lifting at work. I’ve not spent a lot of time working on myself so it was strange at first but Karen made me feel totally at ease with the calm demeanour and professionalism. We started with an assessment of my posture, walking, standing etc and found out things I’ve never noticed about myself. We then did some guided exercises which Karen explained were a bit like how my dog stretches in a morning (she kept things simple for simple mind to understand) She explained how the back is just a muscle which needs excessive like any other. I came away with a better understanding of my body and after a few days of getting into the routine of daily exercises my back was so much better! She also sent over some handy audio clips which were very useful. Thanks Karen brilliant work
2 March 2022
I feel very lucky to have discovered Karen's somatics classes. Karen's classes develop my understanding & awareness of my movement habits, and they also feel great! I think Karen likens pandiculation to being like yawning, and observed how cats and dogs do this a lot. Karen's calm and clear instructions combined with the movement also make the class really relaxing and restorative. Like many people, I sit at a desk for hours each day, and somatics feels like a necessity to begin to counter some of the tension that comes from this. UPDATE: I've now been attending classes for over a year and they're one of the highlights of my week! I went for my first clinical session with Karen a couple of weeks ago and it was brilliant. Karen sent some guided audio recordings to me afterwards which has meant I've been able to slot in little bits of somatic movement when I get chance.
Catherine Otey
Catherine Otey
23 June 2021
I have been doing online somatic classes with Karen for the last 5 months, and I really cannot speak highly enough of both the classes and Karen as an instructor and a person. I have done Pilates for over 10 years and cycle almost every day, but over the last 7 years, the treatment I have received for a chronic illness has caused me to lose flexibility and have some chronic rheumatic pain. Somatics has gone a long way towards reducing that pain and actually made me think about movement in a different way. Plus Karen is always so upbeat and encouraging and responds to every question raised. And doing classes on Zoom works really well. I am very happy to have been able to do them from Spain!
"After suffering with long term back pain I thought I'd give somatics a try after Karen and her class was highly recommended by friends. My very first class was incredible totally relieved my back pain, I could move freely and felt grounded and balanced. Karen is an amazing instructor, explained the movements really well. Very obvious she loves Somatics and has extensive knowledge which makes her enthusiastic and her class very enjoyable. "
"I started taking somatic movement classes on the recommendation of a friend as it sounded like the right kind of exercise to help with my muscular issues I had developed during my working life.  The increased range of movement and improved awareness of body symmetry has helped me to enjoy my golf and tennis. After a somatic movement class I feel more relaxed, energised and able to enjoy a better lifestyle. Karen’s personalised and relaxed approach makes the class very enjoyable. What’s not to like, give it a try .
"Karen has a saying - "you don't know what you don't know". So true as far as somatics is concerned. At the start of the class you lie relaxed on your mat. Let everything go Karen says - I have, I think. Maybe you feel a little tight or tense or have the odd twinge but on the whole everything feels fine. An hour later after breathing and feeling your way through a number of movements designed to connect mind and body you lie back on your mat and let everything go. You feel wonderful and totally connected with your body. Areas of tightness you didn't know you had have disappeared and you feel at one with the world.  I know that I will have a good nights sleep after a bedtime somatics class and can recommend these classes to anyone and everyone. "
"I started somatic movement to help me better understand how my body works so that I can avoid unnecessary trauma induced when playing golf as well as other activities such as walking. It has helped me be more relaxed when I need to be and to know better my limitations - particularly in rotating the upper body. Generally, it has helped me maintain and improve my range of movement which is especially important as I grow older. I feel good after somatic movement class. I feel relaxed and at ease with myself. Where I have had a tightness, I feel freer. Karen is a great teacher and is empathetic to the needs of her clients. She is careful not to push you beyond the limits of your capability but at the same time she maximises the benefit of attending each class. Now we are on zoom, the whole class has adapted well."
"I had chronic pain in my shoulders and back, which had started with an injury but hadn’t properly resolved over several years. Doing somatics regularly has helped in significantly reducing the tension and pain in my shoulders and back, which is what I wanted to happen. However, a very welcome side effect is that I’ve found it’s also helped my lower back and hips, and I’ve noticed that I feel more flexible and have less ‘aches and pains’ in my body. If I don’t do somatics, I notice quickly that I feel more achy and tense. I feel so much more relaxed in myself. I can physically feel the difference after a class, and this helps me sleep better as well. I feel more in tune with my body, where there is tension and what I need to pay attention to. The class is very mindful, so I feel like I let go of stress by listening to Karen’s voice and working through the movements. I know I’ve done something that’s really good for me, and it feels like a treat!"
"I already did a lunchtime Pilates class and knew this would be another great opportunity to feel physically and mentally good. After the class I feel much calmer, happier and relaxed with a sense of accomplishment and balance. Karen’s ever-present optimism and cheerfulness and the knowledge that I will enjoy the class and feel better afterwards."
"Somatics is a total gamechanger, I hate to think where I'd be without my practice. I especially love Karen's bedtime class, it's the best night's sleep of the week by far! Karen's classes are always a delight, she is clearly very knowledgeable and has a real passion for the practice. I am always left in no doubt after taking one of Karen's classes why somatics is important and how it can improve my life - and she's not wrong!"
"I’m a newcomer to somatic movement and Karen’s sessions were recommended to me by a friend.  I’ve had back and neck problems for over 30 years and I wanted something I could do for myself rather than a quick, temporary fix by a chiropractor or similar.  I love the philosophy of the somatic approach – undoing chronic muscular tension by re-educating our nervous system.  It makes so much sense!  After a class I feel freer, softer and less braced.  Classes are small and personal and Karen is just the best teacher – a clear communicator, enthusiastic, understanding and compassionate, and a terrific ambassador for the Somatic Movement.  I love the fact that you can follow a class without having to stay glued to a screen.  Karen’s directions are so clear that you can concentrate fully on releasing tension and noticing how your body responds.  Nothing is rushed and clients are encouraged to feed back their observations.  We are not passive recipients of a ‘treatment’ but active partners in creating optimal conditions for stress free use of our bodies – for the rest of our lives."
"Karen came highly recommended to me by Martha Petersen, the founder of Essential Somatics and I can understand why!  The principles of somatic movement are carefully weaved in to her teaching style with practical explanations of why movements are beneficial.  The timing and clarity of her cues are easy to follow to allow you, as a student, to really immerse yourself in the practice.  As a result, you reap the benefits of feeling more connected to yourself physically and emotionally.  Really look forward to Karen’s class every week."
"I started Somatics as it was introduced into our weekly Pilates sessions.  I had never heard of Somatics beforehand. The movements are simple and so effective.  You can feel a real difference with your body after a class. Karen is absolutely brilliant at articulating the instructions for the moves, in a calm and pleasant way; and she explains how everything works and is connected, which I find really helpful, informative and interesting; and it helps with feeling the connections in your body.  Now we are working from home, it shows just how good an instructor she is, we don’t have to be in the same room. I started the classes after having lower back pain from a tennis injury and haven’t had any problems with my back since; and took up tennis again! I feel relaxed and chilled after the class and have more energy, my body feels freer and ‘lighter’ weirdly. Highly recommend, always makes me feel good and happy. "
"I started taking somatic movement classes because I was relying on regular massage treatments to release tension in my back but this was an expensive short-term fix. Somatics helps me because it allows me to release the tension in my back which improves my posture and range of movement. After a somatic movement class my mind and body feel connected as a whole system and I feel relaxed and free to move. I enjoy being able to improve how my body feels with simple, gentle movements that I can do myself. "
"I have been attending Somatics classes with Karen for some considerable time. I started Somatic classes because I am a keen golfer and as I have got older my range of movement has decreased and occasional pain has been felt. Somatic classes, run by Karen, have helped to improve movement, reduce pain and definitely has improved my sense of well-being."
"Karen has a clear, calm and measured delivery - her pace allows you think about what you are doing so you are able to concentrate on precision of movement and get the most out of each exercise. Karen teaches so well on Zoom! I have found the sessions have been really important for me during lockdown. The first 10 minutes often concentrate on breathing, being still and consciously knowing how I feel – I have become aware of how tense I get …and then the rest of the session I can do something about it …it is like pressing the ‘pause’ button for an hour in the day. I find that the sessions help with my ongoing lower back pain – I feel freer and more able to move my back after each session and confident to use the exercises myself if it gets worse in the week. At the end of her sessions I feel ‘loose’, energised and both physically and mentally ready to face the world (or computer screen) again"

Live your life pain free with freedom and fun

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